- 清空播放记录
- 荞麦皮枕头:看的是爱奇艺83尘55蝉版。终于找到中英双字的了,不过应该有删减。
- 恪别办: 有關紅鬍子的著墨其實不多,背景一如其他黑澤明電影內的浪人劍客,迷一般的來到某個地方將內心秩序向外宣揚。再重的病也會好,再善的人也會死,庸醫和良醫最後能扭轉挽救的其實不多。前半部醫人、醫術,後半部醫心、醫德。為醫者若只著重治癒則只有患者得救,著重行醫救世則能影響貧苦眾生。小女孩那部份變化最大,向井底喊魂屏幕外的我也想加入一起喊。PS,打鬥場面異常暴力心血少宜跳過。
- 李穿刺:"Sunset Blvd." CAST OF CHARACTERS —— Themselves - You used to be in silent pictures. You used to be big! - I am big. It's the pictures that got small. - I knew there was something wrong with them. - They're dead. They're finished. There was a time in this business when they had the eyes of the whole wide world. But that wasn't good enough for them. Oh, no! They had to have the ears of the world, too. So they opened their big mouths and out came talk, talk, talk. - That's where the popcorn business comes in. You buy yourself a bag and plug up your ears. The address is 10,086 Sunset Boulevard. There's nothing tragic about being 50, not unless you try to be 25.
- 爱与歌在云里:黑泽明的社会批判系列;沟口的那种过于悲了,还是黑泽明适合我;多人镜头从来没有乱过丝毫,足见用心之深
- 面包超人名井怜:我觉得老电影之所以引人入胜是因为剧本做得扎实,故事讲得流畅。女主演得很好。