- 清空播放记录
- 安左:剧情神反转 结局又温馨到爆炸 爱了
- 汤普先生:女主遇到男主就开始降智了
- 奇趣:「I will never understand those people. → Those people? Those people are my family.」「It seems to me that being interested in more people is generally better than being interested in fewer people.」「Someone else telling you that you can't have it, suddenly it makes you want the chicken more than anything. → Or maybe it makes you realize how much you love chicken.」「Sometimes you just don't wanna sleep alone.」「If you believe in the life you've lived, then don't let someone else take it away. Take back your story before it's too late.」「If you've manipulated the truth, is it the truth anymore?」
- 尝辞驳补苍-风流骚人:十几集弃。这是飞虎?我以为我在看使徒行者。多一星给梁烈唯
- 茉。:拍得还挺不错,有几个镜头还是挺吓人的。只是。。。故事不行。青少年版的恐怖片。