- 清空播放记录
- 栗原:年标了我想看,19年出来了,然鹅我竟然憋到现在才看……下很大一盘棋的感觉但最后居然只是这么个故事总感觉被骗了,不过这是我诺顿的导演处女作,怎么着也得多加一星了。片中他的那个病被他演得好好笑,看完才知道原来叫妥瑞氏病,必须关门叁次那里想到了《白教堂血案》里的警长,可爱得要命//想知道这片啥时候拍出来,07年就说要拍了,现在去2018年了,诺顿你在干啥呢?
- 础苍迟颈香菜协会: in 40's America of the age-old confrontation between Light & Darkness, Truth and Lie, Good and Evil. The dreamy & pure-hearted, after pouring her soul in a sweet illusion, awakes from her whimsical fantasy after a first Shadow is casted. The mask of deceit, hiding the ugliness of a whole person within, gets pulled off by the white hands of the maiden. The revelation of the true identity cannot be made public, as the ties of the imposter may tarnish the reputation of the family. The villain, after repeated attempts to get rid off our hero, fails and falls into an abyss from which he cannot do any more harm. The true story remains a secret, unknown to all but the main protagonists
- 一只虾:爱德华诺顿好像个小猫啊。什么时候能睡到爱德华诺顿?叩问上天。
- 芳芳郁金香:高中时就看过的影片,到现在依然念念不忘。影片向人们展示了大自然的强大与无情,却并未传递出一丝的胆怯,让看过的人充满了力量,更加勇敢地面对未来的生活。
- 阮澄:给爱德华诺顿打电话