- 清空播放记录
- 黏巴粘儿: emotionally rich & sincere affair story. The film beautifully relates how sheer blind luck is going to cause the lives of two ordinary persons to be utterly shaken up. Two well-grounded people, both leading a stable and happily married life with their loved partner and children, get thrust into the fever of love & passion. But their unexciting routine is exchanged for rejuvenation & bliss only for a short time. For there is constant tension between the characters’ deep & requited love and the shackles of the society they live in, esp. from a moral perspective. Very interestingly, the movie also depicts the gap between how different social classes experience extra-marital relationships.
- 疾驰豆腐少年:比想象中还要大手笔和用心,很有巧思。鬼哭山庄那集比我前两天看的恐怖片要恐怖?。一直有点讨厌姜虎东看了这个终于驳别迟到他了,颇有大将之风的一个人。
- 阿木木木:内在的戏剧冲突好生无力,靠举手投足间的英式做派撑起场面,视听语言上似乎也看不出太多精彩之处,总之不到90分钟的片子给我的感觉却格外漫长。
- 飞蛾与砚台:很大不列颠 好喜欢大不列颠//感觉人鬼梗玩得比历史梗多 照着这原初设定或许会更好笑?//千万别awwww
- 红豆:想当年很爱慕罗杰摩尔(15年前?)可惜他走到哪儿,周围人就死到哪儿