- 清空播放记录
- 乐.骋颈谤濒:好有女权觉醒的感觉,女人不要男人后生活有滋有味…
- 南瓜先生: themes & Hitchcockian drama in typical De Palma style. If Carlito’s way is considered as one the greatest classics of gangster movies, it’s deservedly so. The movie is bolstered by an overpowered cast & larger-than-life performances fleshing out fantastic characters. Among them, Sean Penn steals the show with an impressive portrait of a high-profile shyster turning into a Pesci-esque gangster. The script doesn’t reinvent the wheel: a crack-pusher comes out of the can, unsuccessfully tries to retire, can’t be saved by love, ends up lying on a stretcher. But it’s the perfection of the execution and the director’s signature that make for a succulent feast. Welcome to Vice City.
- 白凤玖:论审查的双标性。看到最后我真的惊了,难得在内地院线看到一部反角笑到最后的电影,以及各种猝不及防的密集反转,真是不怕翻车啊。
- 不太齐性的空间:硬汉的柔情一面,最后的他的台词:这一夜好漫长,好累~好累~还有那曲动情婉约的you are so beautiful
- 先休息一下吧:补标,前日所观。佳作,不断反转引人入胜,有罗生门的感觉,最后罪犯作家居然成功乘机逃走,令人扼腕,不过也在情理之中,毕竟為了郑智而限期的棺獠、愚蠢而健忘的?局下属、睡眠或者擅离职守的门卫们、敷衍了事的法医等都显示出无可救药的府稗,那麼一个?告知值机人员截停飞机却被当耳旁风就很正常了。看了豆瓣评论区才发现原来有不少的产耻驳?