- 清空播放记录
- 引力透镜:每一帧都是一幅油画,漫长而优雅,最难能可贵的是把钝重的人生拍出轻盈和戏谑,像看了一本十八世纪全景式的小说。库布里克可能真的是天才。最后的决斗光影令人拍案叫绝,人物每走一步都令人恐惧不已。不给五星只是个人嗜好——库布里克始终冷静精确,和他的人物情感有着马里亚纳海沟般的隔阂。
- 豌豆哈儿:想拿没消过毒的针线把陈末的嘴缝起来,两星都归『不如这样』。
- 泉哥爱电影: masterpiece, without any doubt. The music is awesome (the main theme and its variations are splendid), the characters realistic, complex and with dense psychology, the setting fabulous as paintings, and the philosophy of the movie depicts sincerely the human being drama.
- 木有风:我对这电影只有一个字的评价 烂。看了半个小时终于看不下去了,还好我当时看电影选了其他的。
- 海葵爸爸: Steinbeck // A fellow ain't got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody...I'll be all around in the dark - I'll be everywhere. // A man lives sorta - well, in jerks. Baby's born or somebody dies, and that's a jerk. With a woman, it's all in one flow, like a stream - little eddies and waterfalls - but the river, it goes right on. // Human being wouldn't live the way they do. Human being couldn't stand to be so miserable. // They're workin' away our spirits, tryin' to make us cringe and crawl, takin' away our decency.