- 清空播放记录
- 未央蝉补尘补:尺度惊人的神剧,除了威廉和凯特,几乎把温莎王室黑了个遍,由衷佩服腐国人民的脑洞。看样子王室不光拉动了旅游业,还带来了绝佳的恶搞素材。
- 东方焱络:为了纪念他一下特意看的 想一起怀念的完全可以看看这个 这是真正的主演
- 金木可爱多: art collapses the time and space that separates us from its moment of creation. It made us reimagine the world and ourselves in countless unanticipated ways.The rush of emotion that can connects us with the enduring and the profound.Those thing spring less from the officious demands of state and the status hunger of the rich, than they do from the unruly urges of gifted artists to make something for everyone, as unmistakable evidence of the best things our species is capable of creating, things have been made by the liberated thought, the acute vision, and the unquenchable creative fire of our shared humanity.
- 拉姆:故事还算新颖,表演也比较到位,男主去世了,愿他安息
- 哈罗吉蒂:还可以,尴尬了。。。。