- 清空播放记录
- 鬼鬼蝉耻别: in the 'not knowing' / Don't negotiate, just accept the deal. / We can still feel the pleasure of that connection. / We can have the connection that we're hungry for. / I feel like whatever happens is supposed to happen. / - I always envied that the way you're always reaching. - I always envied you didn't have to. / I just needed a push. / He doesn't know you won't get treatment because you love the tragedy. / I want to keep things as normal as possible and you not being here is part of that.
- 附庸 风雅:不亚于美少女战士在心里的地位,但是小盆友就是单纯,永远不好奇她什么时候睡觉。
- 切斯特狼:垃圾片,偶居然看完了!
- 喵了个呜:根据一本由爱林·格鲁威尔撰写的全美脍炙人口的畅销书《街头日记》(The Freedom Writers Diary),以及威尔逊高中学生们的真实经历而来。
- 失忆少女唱反调:说真的有点无聊,主要是时代前进了,大家看得多了,这些老桥段真的太剧透了。