- 清空播放记录
- 树先生在木星:对于青春和成长,乘坐了时光机的体检。17岁的钮承泽好青葱,21岁的庹宗华好帅气!还有那个年代很赞的配乐,片尾时才发现是李宗盛。
- 第叁个吟游诗人:小時候看過,所以提前知道結局,都不知道是好運還是倒楣= =+。跟看完《一碌蔗》一樣,又想去更南的南方了。
- 嗯啊哦呵哈嘻: shocking. But I don't see any horror in Wicker Man, for the mood is as far from dread or fearful expectation as it might be. There isn't a shadow in sight. In fact, it's very bright, light and joyful, full of sweet and sensual folk songs and dances - slightly freakish but happily so. Most of the action takes place in flowery, open settings, irradiated by the sun and surrounded by the sea. I never completely bought into the murder or sacrifice of young Rowan, and speculated that the mystery will eventually clear up with no one getting hurt. But I took the bait and fell for the trap, the grandiose ending revealing how true madness, madness unaware of itself, was in play all along.
- 阿淋之风中残烛: ending
- 柳叶如眉: Shaffer提供了一个典型的cult片剧作范式:来自“文明”世界的人因为某种“机缘巧合”踏足一个封闭的、隔绝的“原始”环境,从而发现了惊人的秘密。反向的《桃花源记》。可以看出后世许多近似题材作品受此影响颇深,如《仲夏夜惊魂》。不知创作《地狱无门》时的徐克是否也观看过本片?