- 清空播放记录
- 冷夜听雨:神话改得乱七八糟,纯为看动作
- 余和喜:忧伤年华迷茫青春。。。
- 廖璆: the emotional open cut a finale at the end of 2018. ? I don’t enjoy a show, I enjoying the reflections from everyone’s mind that to tell me life is just ups and downs and we always hoping the best is yet to come, just like what happened to the loveliest Pete!
- 世纪浪儿:非常喜欢 小坚妹妹唯一的一句台词直接给电影减了一星…
- 麦嘉伦冲础濒辫丑补: Last season makes me so sad. This is the best show that has ever been made. Everyone is struggling and trying to live a life they want to live, that's it, and you don't get to decide the rest of it. You wil eventually have to confront every bit of fear that you have averted.