- 清空播放记录
- 乌拉米亚:「This is not a limited edition. This was an origin story the whole time.」「I don't think we are particularly evil, and we don't choose sides. We try to stop both of you. If there is one of you, the opposite of you appears; it escalates, we step in. There just can't be Gods amongst us. It's not fair. It has worked just fine for ten thousand years our way. Take consolation in the fact that you were right about your theory. Be at peace.」「I wasn't a mistake, mama. → No. You were spectacular.」
- 奶油意面沙拉酱:两个实力派的对峙,再也没有的孤品
- 午后红茶:虽然更喜欢科学家的故事,但是最后最后一幕看到朵拉还是看哭了,以前实在不懂艺术,原来是想要something new and revolution,抛开毕加索的i want to paint you,他的勤奋童心还有做事果断明辨是非大理确实卓尔不群。他的女人中,Franciose,她爸爸的教育让我印象很深刻,尤其是毕加索说要把她从桥上扔下去的时候,她果断的说出i can swim,而且好像她从没掉过眼泪,露出自己怯弱的一面,最后,演员的法语口音很有意思。
- 空心汤团?:岁的哥哥,真是风华绝代;梅艳芳长得并不漂亮,但是气场相当强,每次出场都能压得群芳抬不起头;关锦鹏是比我想象中更好的导演,整体风格传统、大气。
- 抹茶绿:艺术家(包括《月亮与六便士》中的高更)的本质,似乎都可以用一句话概括:“我爱他们(子女们),如果我把他们看得比我的艺术更重要的话,我永远不可能有所建树。”他们对艺术的热爱,胜过一切,乃至生命。