- 清空播放记录
- 第九笔:刚看,就想到了《首脑会谈》。高潮同样是两股台风纠结在一起,在海上发生的。南北主题,也讲到了中美俄,而且把涉及到的国家全部抨击一遍,就连结尾,两部电影也有相似之处。《首脑会谈》韩首脑和白头号副舰长一起眺望独岛,暗示南北统一的期盼。《台风》幻想中弟弟抱着姐姐去寻找父母,回理想中的“家”。张东健演的非常入戏,如果当年没拿奖就可惜了。李政宰荣誉至上,一切为了国家,光环太正。李美妍的戏不多,和张东健的对手戏感人泪下。金甲洙的韩国防部长中规中矩。
- 吞仔: is the coolest!
- 橘殳: stories are real.
- 乘桴桴于海:这一季实在是太打动我了,更能体会到剧名的意义了,细微之处捕捉得实在太好了。
- 啯产货: is how you do meta-narrative: If all stories are make-believe, then what is important becomes not to condescendingly and cynically discern and reject the structured patterns, but to unite in a community of beliefs, and the story is thus transformed into therapy for trauma and catalyst to action. At the end of the day, Shyamalan is someone who firmly believes in the power of visual storytelling and the autonomy of stories, which makes him one of the few truly original filmmakers in Hollywood.