- 清空播放记录
- 小七七是蘑菇菇: 2020. Could not believe that I didn’t mark this one. Forgot when it came into the view, but it was such a darling to my heart, that after all these years, some lines still come to me without a second of hesitation. “Because I can”, and “brick by brick my friend, brick by brick”
- 胡阿忧:。有了一些陈翠梅片子的那种细腻,但是更细微应该出现的人物反映镜头被省略了很多,尤其是男性角色的,念句子的妹子还是蛮不错的,最后无厘头的跟了滨口龙介表示接受不了。
- 真实有效哟: never know how high we are till we are called to rise/And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies/The heroism we recite would be a daily thing, did not ourselves the cubits warp, for fear to be a king. You either pack up and go home, or you keep fighting.
- 一果陆户羽门:集全,日语中字,无码,含大量骋尝情节,主叠骋副骋尝,带有奇幻,情节没看懂,很多肉。
- 八岁打老虎:肠肠要出套装了,来重温一下。并不觉得这部剧情弱,且有很浓厚的人情味。