- 清空播放记录
- 永远坚持的小孩:其实片子很少出现直接的感官刺激,但奇怪的是你一直处于那种紧张恐惧的气氛中。其实看到一半多大概可以猜到是因为刚开场没多久的那场车祸,看过再结合一些影评就更觉得蕴义非一般。
- 看那抹曙光: Wire has transcended the tropes of police drama and looks at the human conditions, the human ecology of certain social groups who are often neglected, forgotten or even rejected by the mainstream of a society. It puts you right into their community and show you both the pretty and ugly sides, both the virtues and vices without flinching, thus avoiding depicting them from an outsider's perspective. In other words, The Wire manages to represent these groups without giving them a sense of otherness, and that is something truly admirable.
- 破阵子:我没有快进看的战争电影。
- 黑泽双一:在监狱里吸了老鼠药的囚犯,在集装箱里窒息而死的妓女,为码头奔走政客之间的蹿谤补苍办,不知觉自己命运的牺牲品们。但是在游戏里谁能保证自己不是呢?
- 葡萄提大刀:谜底看到一半便猜到了,而且整个故事有种似曾相识的感觉。几次白衣女子的出现还是很有诡异恐怖的气氛的,另外潜伏的驱魔老太太竟然是这部里的喜剧担当。濒死前或徘徊在死亡边缘的意识延伸出一整部电影的构思其实已经不算很新鲜了,既然一切不合理都可以用这个来解释,那么弟弟的各种匪夷所思的脑残作死行为也就没什么可责怪了……