- 清空播放记录
- 大风车:皇天无亲,唯德是辅。战争对任何一方来说都没有道义上的正确,甚至对大多数人来说它就是绝对的错误和巨大的灾难。它只是有政客们的政治正确。角度,主题都是我喜欢的,音乐也大气。但从德军几个人的角度,撑不起斯大林格勒战役这么大的题目。有些遗憾。
- 虫天子: of 19th century social novels. Akahige tells the story of an upper-class doctor who goes through the life-changing experience of working in an overcrowded, low-budget clinic. He reluctantly comes in, self-centered and stubborn, but ends up abandoning his privileges to dedicate his life to curing the poor. It’s a movie with a strong progressive statement: the people’s health is first and foremost a social and political problem. Unfortunately, the message is hammered down with way more insistence and explicitness than needed, occasionally telling more than showing. On all other accounts, it splendidly delivers, from the subplots structure to the stellar photography & acting.
- 游民阿星:明白为啥是圣诞必看了,前面一般结尾泪流满面感动到不行。那只乌鸦好萌~~~ Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
- 想养一只柯基:虽讲述了许多人间不幸,但总体基调是温暖向上的。直至今日,贫穷与无知之症依旧未能得到解决。 或许也因为这个理想化的结局,即使电影的拍摄技巧和调度已远远高出初期的泥醉天使,我也更喜欢后者。
- 王厦: Lang Syne直戳心脾。George Bailey,也许我不甘心最后像你一样地活着,我还想去追人生三大美妙声响。仅仅为了如此,也会努力治疗自己的罢。尽情地嘲笑我和老Y虚无主义的致命漏洞罢。仅仅是为了所有的连结,生命也不可全然丧失意义。