- 清空播放记录
- 四偈: question of whether or not the film or its characters are actually good Marxists is not only not interesting, but also misguided, since we’re bound to get nowhere with such relationships of subordination: it is the coordination that we must look at instead. Godard doesn’t film “Marxists” or things whose meaning would be Marxism. He makes cinema with Marxism [...] The strength of the film is that it brings together cinema and Marxism by treating those two formulas as two different conceptions of art in general, and hence also of Marxist cinema. -- Jacques Rancière
- 微波炉: Spielberg又一力作。。虽然比较早了但现在看来也还是觉得有点恐怖有点血腥。。
- 阿柠阿檬:北野武这部戏台词少的出奇,真文艺。
- 乌鸦少年:美丽的花瓶和星球去了,所以人充其量也就是一动物,千万别把自己当成宇宙的真理了。
- 素声:这种电影好像能让人在银幕再次感受乡间田野质朴的风,雨夜呼啦的窗里有这橙色暖灯,看惯了城市的灯光与人群,这部电影仿佛填补起了心中已经不知空出多久的缺失。