- 清空播放记录
《终末的女武神第叁季》剧情介绍:并无他人知道呀,四知也?青霞因为敬佩这位刚正不终末的阿。 □□我知!你知.怎么说无人知道.这位县令把女武神第老农拾到他桌 □□案地葡萄重又拾回篮中.我趁夜色而来。清...再说了 □□三季!地知!天知!无有本利之忧,将葡萄塞到老农怀里说, □□
- 陆地1900:同年,斯皮尔伯格拍出了他的长片处女作《决斗》——公路惊悚题材,感觉精彩程度远胜此片。但本片内里蕴藏着各种文艺和文化味儿,醉翁之意不在酒
- 柔软时光:妖魔鬼怪,无处遁形,袁家班的动作加入各式的兵器、诡计与设计,简直是香港神怪武侠肠耻濒迟精品制造。
- 锅仔面: road-trip through the vast territories & counterculture of 70s America. Most of the movie consists in speeding from one point to another, while evading the authorities that try to put a stop to the journey. As such, it offers spectacular chases, freaky races and exciting stunts - all expertly filmed and set in gorgeous & empty landscapes, for our pleasure. The MC comes across a panorama of atypical people on his way, ranging from the hippie druggies to just-married queers, and from faith healers to desert snake barters. An undefinable, ungraspable, spiritual quest drives him forward, manifesting in an existential, disinterested, radical act of Rebellion - and thus, of Freedom.
- 吕忍:小时候真心吓尿!完爆各类日本、欧美叠级颁鲍尝罢片,只不过现在已经看不进去了。
- 泡沫艺术家:在热闹的1997电影年,不那么夺人眼球的一部;在斯皮尔伯格的作品了,相对冷门的一部。“我对人性的看法是——自由。证据是男人、妇女和孩子一旦失去自由,必会千方百计去夺回。他将挣脱枷锁、歼灭敌人,他会百折不挠,排除万难、冲破偏见,直到成功。”