- 清空播放记录
- 掠影: NYC IFC Center
- 电子羊闪闪: to other works I've seen so far, this one is less in the realm of magical and suspense, equipped with much fewer whimsical and enchanting moments in the traditional sense...there is clear imbalance among these protagonists, with Ida being the one with (significantly) least screen time, but Rivette likely doesn't care. The eventual encounter of the other 2, Louise and Ninon, and the bonding thereafter, is clearly reminiscent of Celine and Julie Go Boating, and that includes their joint effort in subverting gender dynamics...see full review at https://letterboxd.com/ziggyzaggy/film/up-down-fragile/
- 阿呆酱酱:又一部爷青结,追了这么久的剧……贰尘尘尘尘果然烂尾了
- 默语:本片非常适合装逼人士观赏。葛楚夫人虽然长着一张男人脸,但她还是摆出一副高贵冷艳的逼样,对话时不以正脸对人,仰角四十五度,悲伤逆流成河。无病呻吟的模样真恨不得令人一把过去将她摁倒,脱了就是干。我等粗鄙之人的境界就只能是这个样子了
- 宅喵: rb