- 清空播放记录
- 阿土伯,: they care. Because they want the truth. Because they want their country back. Because it still belongs to us.as long as the people fight for what they believe in. The truth is the most important value we have because if it doesn't endure, if the government murders truth if we cannot respect these people then this is not the country I was born in, or the country I want to die in.
- 这辈子是在地上:这片高级了,没有叙事,碎片化,惭痴式片段,怎么看这都是烂片标配,但就是挡不住这片子的流畅。苦难片段的留白,纯粹聚焦爱情,完全没有煽情,却久久回味,我得缓缓情绪。
- 躲在角落:将《惊爆十叁天》和《闯贵碍》连看,真是别有一番滋味
- 钛钛童:"There's no saints in this show, not a one""All of us are more than one thing"
- 贵罢雷切:真正的肯尼迪是如片中描述的一样干净纯粹,不带任何肮脏交易的改革者吗?这不是最重要的,最重要的是对真相的探寻对谎言的否认。如果背负着公众骂名权力的压力,你愿意探寻真相吗?The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it."Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazed lonely man who wanted attention and got it by killing a President was only the first in a long line of patsies.