- 清空播放记录
- 大酱噗(ˉ﹃ˉ):好看,音乐出色,很喜欢的好电影。
- 布依葵:回忆啊………………以前的爱笑会议室单拎出来一个段子都能秒杀现在的小品
- 约翰和汤姆:尽管父亲不理解儿子为民主与平等所进行的斗争与努力,父亲呵斥并驱赶儿子,但儿子能够理解父亲的处境和想法。随着时代的一点点改变,父亲心中的坚冰一点点融化,最终认同并拥簇儿子的主义。黑人在50年前还受到歧视和不平等待遇,民主同样是要一滴滴流泪流血付出代价。不过影片故事吸引力还是弱点。
- 叶绿橘黄:"My dearest Anna, I'm writing this on a Sunday night in London. If you're reading this, then you barely knew me, and may have no memory of who I am. I am your mother. You were born in an air raid in the middle of a war to two people who loved each other. Our year together in the house in the Hamsted has been the happiest of my life. Today you took your first steps. I'm so grateful that I saw you walk for the first time with your father by my side. Max, my love, you are my world. I hope you will be able to forgive me. And I hope you make it to Medicine Hat. I have a picture of it in my mind. And I pray Anna's eyes will see it. My beautiful daughter, I love you with all my heart."
- 末日沫沫: 和Grace竟然能再一句再联系之后,十几年的友谊就像不存在一样分隔二十年,这靠谱么!怎么能这样!