- 清空播放记录
- 塔利亚: 1. Hokusai says, look forward to getting old. 2. very, very touched by Roger Keyes, specifically他身上那种美国无用文人特有的,迷人的fragility,说着"he was a hero, he just thought he had a connection with life, which is precious"就泣不成声的美丽fragility 3. 人生真的是一场修行 “He says it doesn't matter if you draw, or write books. It doesn't matter if you saw wood, or catch fish. It doesn't matter if you sit at home and stare at the ants on your veranda or the shadows of the trees and grasses in your garden. It matters that you care. It matters that you feel. It matters that you notice. It matters that life lives through you.“
- 颜莯央:无法忍受结尾的方式,刻意的去拔高人物和升华人物的成长过程,好像一切苦难都是不应该的,我选择的方式都是木有问题的…虽然海格一如既往的细腻,然而人物和故事却不是我的菜
- 说不清楚:买电影票的时候,听说是导演的第一部电影,本来没抱多大期望,但没想到拍的这么好,中国电影真的未来可期
- 快乐是蓝色的:人生终究是一场孤独的旅程。看的是沿途粗砺荒芜的风景,仰望黑暗中的繁星,有亦敌亦友的路人,有短暂陪伴的缘分和不可预测的死别。奔跑、回首、十字路口、镜中的自己愈发清晰。成长伴随着撕裂的痛,看到后面有点心疼。
- 王岷:喜欢NBA 喜欢Air Jordan系列的男孩必看之作