- 清空播放记录
- 后稷:'s hard to fight against a decadent mind, especially do it alone. I really admire the courage of Mrs. Florence, who took a lot of guts to open a bookshop and introduce the best novel of same period to a small town, where, however, the local people rejected this renaissance. Although Mrs. Florence had to leave to end the competition with malign locals, she've already rendered to her lovely bookkeeper her passion about books and courage to face the malice. If I had a chance, I would like to have a bookshop of my own, though, cos"No one ever feels alone in a bookshop".
- 北风飘飘:没有前两部好看,勉强给两星半吧
- 陈哥的漂亮仙女:、“若你喜欢怪人,其实我很美”,别人眼里的古怪疯子,活出了不一样的风采,大千世界果然无奇不有;2、一部纪录片拍出了喜剧片的爆笑,又世俗又脱俗,非常有趣;3、真的唱的好,有音乐才华的人真的会放光,无论生活多逼仄,都付笑谈中。
- 妇人之见:女主反转后简直了...极端分子研发出病毒,立马释放了出去,故事,完。
- 徐文祖:同学推荐的,三年后找高清资源真心不易。后来发现电视盒子里就有。只不过不叫风骚叫绝命。看了前两集,美剧的基本套路,色调质感不错。没有帅哥和美女。 第九集才有点小高潮,第十集就是铺垫了,期待下一季会有好的表现