- 清空播放记录
- 我还是叫唯一:让漫威和狈别迟蹿濒颈虫告诉你女权美剧应该怎么拍
- 豆不然我:只有经历过的人才能明白这段hotel chevalier的好!
- 心缘狍:节奏变慢了,男主备受煎熬,女主咋这么坚定
- 狗于橘子落水时:新鲜感果然有降低,但对政治、商业以及社会的一些讽刺,让整剧的内涵更丰富。Tina Fey塑造了一个经典的职业女屌丝的形象,无论是从剧本还是从表演的角度来说都相当出彩。特别是她作为编剧,里面的段子起码比她现在演的电影要搞笑的多。
- 笔补耻濒萝卜: look back, look forward, thiss the hard reality. days has already long past when they are letting us in. #truth maybe im not your title girl anymore, if you cant be honest w me at least be honest w urself, do not try to deflect this on to me like im the one saying no first, i thought we can trust each other, my sentiments, rly. i cant describe, well dont worry ill be out of ur hair soon, this time i want to be proactive abt my well-being, called taking control. i dont want to be just active to ur reaction to me but also my own dealing w it, difficult times, big deal.