- 清空播放记录
- 大八戒: Brasco? “Forget about it.” Immersion in the microcosm of the mafia through the eyes of an undercover agent, who gradually becomes more integrated as he moves up the ladder. By showing an extended period of initiation & adaptation to the norms and rules of such a closed and autonomous universe, the movie produces a fascinating and multi-faceted ethonography where the symbolic plays the greatest part. Many strong themes shape its narrative: the substitute Father-Son relationship, the aporetic identity of the Simulation subject, the impossibility of reaching a personal moral position that is strung between opposite demands. Memorable & superlative duet performance by Depp & Al Pacino.
- 艳猴子:星,在歌手传记里算平庸的,还是喜欢《Velvet Goldmine》那种华丽绚烂主旨明确的。看完去百度了一下,发现June和Johnny同年去世,但是June比Johnney走得早,非常非常欣慰!June真的太好了,TAT~真的见不得嗑药到一滩烂泥的人,中途差点右上角直接关了。Reese演得好唱得好,她是支撑我看下去的唯一动力,影后一点也不水好吧!但是Rosita的声音真的跟June不一样,连歌声都不一样,她是变形金刚吗XD
- 碎梦大道: 没有什么镜头比阿尔帕西诺和强尼戴普隔着车窗喂狮子更有气场了 2. 虽没有<无间道>精彩的情节,但打动内心的兄弟情感却是<无间道>没有做到的 3. 以为梁朝伟会演戏,看完阿尔帕西诺后才知道那一切都是浮云,开始明白为什么有些人说阿尔帕西诺是在世第一影帝了
- 无契:年1月第二次看完全片,仍旧无法否认这是一部非常出彩的传记电影,歌曲的演唱也异常出色。
- 酒量很好的蚕:里头的女性角色都太他妈讨人厌了!