- 清空播放记录
- 请你吃肉包。: 12:54:24
- 秋水剪瞳:这部电影告诉我们: 1.不要把枪放在小孩能拿到的地方,或者把枪里的子弹取出。 2.搬木头的时候要认真,不要分心。 “痛不痛的事,可以由我们自己做决定。”
- 红池:人生很长,长到有这么多的故事和不期而遇;人生很短,短到小姑娘转眼就阿兹海默
- 荞薺:类比煽情鸡汤类传记片,这部充斥着狂躁和不羁的风格让人眼前一亮。普通的传记电影喜欢塑造传奇和英雄,而这部则反其道而行将“传奇”拉下神坛,结尾倒下的一幕引人唏嘘。人物和事件还原度很高,放在近两年的体育类传记片里也足够脱颖而出。玛格特·罗比超常发挥,饰演母亲角色的艾莉森·珍妮非常抢眼。
- 么姨噢:"Maybe I didn't fight in a war, but I'm allowed to have a crappy day just like everyone else. Something that was really important to me ended. I know it was a little goofy, but it was a big part of my life, and when big things end, it's hard not to imagine how they started, so please, if you could just ease up for maybe two seconds". I really love how Kevin put his emotions that precisely and frankly and his awareness to the"right" to be down. It took me years to get that, and it really feels good - making you more connected both to the real self and to others.