- 清空播放记录
- 郭小叔:挺好的剧,挺好的大叔,挺好的各种,但是。。。。。。。全剧大槽点为什么是那什么啊!!!居然还给特写!!!摔!
- 漫若棠兮:"Maybe I didn't fight in a war, but I'm allowed to have a crappy day just like everyone else. Something that was really important to me ended. I know it was a little goofy, but it was a big part of my life, and when big things end, it's hard not to imagine how they started, so please, if you could just ease up for maybe two seconds". I really love how Kevin put his emotions that precisely and frankly and his awareness to the"right" to be down. It took me years to get that, and it really feels good - making you more connected both to the real self and to others.
- 平凡亦不凡:你们要不要这么不爱刘玉玲啊
- 礼馨:谁不想要这一家子各种意义上完美的家庭,其中最重要的一个维度就是,相互理解,共同成长。
- 许晶晶003:一副好口舌是耍贱必备,晨间剧女主是标配。