- 狸猫贰别谤?:这不是穿越剧,而是犯罪剧,因为我看完想犯罪了
- 四点:广告植入的太尴尬了,也没有第一季封神的感觉。全程看了个热闹
- 绒蒿:真他么个人悲剧。You never really knew when he was going to come to see you .You just lived in a room alone and you knew nothing about him. And if you loved him and were patient with him and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about him personally. Even though he may have loved you, would you go back to him?Well, how would I know that he loved me?
- 飞别谤别飞辞濒蹿玩具:就那样吧 下来全be 很多嘉宾都有点emm
- 脸红哦:唐人大概是真的瞎,胡冰卿糊成那样还不吸取教训,李兰迪本来现代装还是不错了,这回被坑惨了。就这形势下你们都记不起陈瑶? cyn自恋公主病真是病入膏肓了吧?