- 清空播放记录
- 南塔河:看到最后居然是德国骨科。
- 哈伦:分数:70 很朴实,循序渐进的剧情…不浮夸,不炫技。可是剧情真的就是缓慢,如果按照如今的节奏,减去30分钟,一点问题也没有,也行还会提升。
- 王小胖子:还行吧,就是鹿晗和杨幂的演技不太好。不过挺喜欢朱亚文的,被他的声音迷住。
- 相夷与云: question of whether or not the film or its characters are actually good Marxists is not only not interesting, but also misguided, since we’re bound to get nowhere with such relationships of subordination: it is the coordination that we must look at instead. Godard doesn’t film “Marxists” or things whose meaning would be Marxism. He makes cinema with Marxism [...] The strength of the film is that it brings together cinema and Marxism by treating those two formulas as two different conceptions of art in general, and hence also of Marxist cinema. -- Jacques Rancière
- 有事找安欣:说好看的希望你能进行深刻的自我反省。