- 清空播放记录
- 米尘颈肠:天呐 小丸子也开始恋爱了 Andre和Maruco大手牵小手的那一刻 感受到了一些温暖的小粉红
- 意想不到的冬菇:好少女的一部萌片哦~片尾曲《风になる》一响起我整个人都明媚了~~ 原来原版的是这一首~日文听起来更舒服呢!
- 欧罗巴流浪者:歌颂了两段难以磨灭的友情,剧情中规中矩,没有什么惊喜。适合小朋友看吧。
- 薰璃冲16:一部只有导演的电影……演员连“棋子”、“模特”都不是……蔡明亮像那种美术学院出来的,热衷于搞纯艺术,和电影已经没多大关系了,很好奇阿巴斯有没有受这部片启发;古怪幽默算是有几场,湿答答么一如既往;再见,福和大戏院&石隽对话苗天——“都没人看电影儿了,也没人记得我们了”
- 心愿的重力: Simmons's great performance speaks for itself and it seems to me that most actors who have theater backgrounds usually manage to pull off some serious acting in tv shows. I like how the first three episodes where the suspenses are well crafted but then in the latter episodes the plot development is a bit disappointing. I know the writers are purposely making Quayle the dumbest person in the show to support the irony that he ends up getting promoted somehow, but his utter stupidity and cockiness still piss me off. I look forward to the next season and hopefully they'd explain what the mysterious management department is.