- 清空播放记录
『韩国色女』贬顿日韩剧介绍:狼人一向是把人类当成食物.大爷很生气.阳韩炎一脚踩在狼人的脑袋 □□□□国色上,我要生吃了你,不然、笑嘻嘻的问道。后果很严重.现在把你知 □□□□道的一切都老实的交代出来!现在...嘿嘿.你这个卑微的人类, □□□□你居然赶踩住我这个高贵的狼女人? □□□□
- 家脚:我觉得赌鬼先生型过韦恩
- 王祖贤说不冷:单单从漫画还原来看,其实已经非常出色了,即使是法国人也没有多少违和感,甚至拍出来了法国人自己的风味,真的是难能可贵了。
- 你是什么猪猪呀: 第九场 电影资料馆 80年前的电影,摄影和故事都太出彩了,西部片的痕迹很明显,马的镜头非常棒,荒漠上的枪战是全片高潮。有一点点遗憾,大概是没有修复,效果上有点不足,尤其是脸盲症,对其中几个人都没有区分好。
- 沿井睡:给小朋友看还是蛮不错的,对于成年观众来说就太显空乏了。
- 卢象升: very first modern western movie, and the model for all of those to come. The elements of narration and filmography that it sets hold steady until now and probably for still a long time - see Tarantino's hateful eight for their confirmation. Most of the ideas on it are simple, but it takes a master to put the ingredients all in place and to cook something this delicious. Without any obvious main character, but rather a complex mix of persona, each cristallizing a class or a segment of society. This a Western movie to be sure, with all the parts that make up the mechanics, but it is above all a satire. One that is politically engaged too, especially in regards to the banker role.