- 清空播放记录
- 这箭我上我也行:好看,情节流畅,小李子好帅,结局真的不错,我喜欢的喜剧式结局,看完后我还去百度了一下,发现是真实事件改编的,很牛
- 柴碌庸:男女主的结局算意料之中吧,技术部小天才的线算是结束了吗
- 放风了:「Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.」「You didn't call just to apologize, did you? You have no one else to call!」「Sometimes it's easier living the lie. I'm going to let you fly tonight. I'm not even going to try to stop you. That's 'cause I know you'll be back on Monday. → Yeah? How do you know I'll come back? → Look. Nobody's chasing you.」
- 樊子晨:有点过分讨巧。 每一集都好像在某个经典爱情电影的微缩版。
- 干燥绿:唯一缺点感觉那时候的FBI效率太低!!此外 故事很棒 况且是真实的!!好好借鉴下如何处理少年罪犯 还是天才罪犯~