- 清空播放记录
- 无我相: moving
- 树袋熊熊:恕我直言 这就是那种烂得骂都骂不出花的片 方方面面 每个环节 都太套路太平庸了 90分钟的片感觉我看了有三个小时 度日如年
- 爱吃鱼的顿补苍颈别濒:温馨美好地近乎世外桃源,别说它假,把它作为一个梦想总是可以的吧?另外,那么大个子的一个男人,怎么能表现出那样内在的温柔? I just want things to be good for him. 用这么简单的一句话来诠释爱,又有几个人能做得到呢?
- 金铲铲:家就该是这样的。 这样简单平凡的快乐。
- 那蓝: to other works I've seen so far, this one is less in the realm of magical and suspense, equipped with much fewer whimsical and enchanting moments in the traditional sense...there is clear imbalance among these protagonists, with Ida being the one with (significantly) least screen time, but Rivette likely doesn't care. The eventual encounter of the other 2, Louise and Ninon, and the bonding thereafter, is clearly reminiscent of Celine and Julie Go Boating, and that includes their joint effort in subverting gender dynamics...see full review at https://letterboxd.com/ziggyzaggy/film/up-down-fragile/