- 清空播放记录
- 如是雾芒:十分 ? 当时看完和友人探讨我对影片的理解是,为了信仰献身,为了启发人们回到精神原乡,呵护思想火花的闪耀。尤其白马意象的运用十分巧妙 后来看了老塔的采访,觉得很有共鸣? 这就是我爱他的原因
- 随风起舞黄大仙:年10月11日 燕园421 现实与童话的温暖链接
- 僮僮妈:“my principal objective: the portrayal of someone in a state of profound alienation from the world and himself, unable to find a balance between reality and the harmony for which he longs, in a state of nostalghia provoked not only by his remoteness from his country but also by a global yearning for the wholeness of existence.” // 但仔细想想目标和现实也有一丢丢距离
- 悬浮的毛绒馅饼: belongs to the true human beings,true free fairies.thus dullness enjoys the dullness w/ the heart fully blinded,graceful to the dullness,nullness and boredness of the form,the formalism,the only.
- 闯辞别测大将军:超级好看 带着妹妹追完了~(n刷)