- 清空播放记录
- 任清和: EP01, woke shit. EP02, Vincenzo Natali, average. EP03, director of The Empty Man, best in the show, not even close. EP04, between bad and average. EP05, about painting? Of course it’s Dorian Gray. Good, second best in the show. EP06, director of Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown, and fucking Twilight, then her career just vanished. Get your plot straight for fuck sick. Should stay dead. Worst in the show, even worse than the woke shit, plot wise. EP07, director of Mandy, pretentiously bad. EP08, director of The Babadook and The Nightingale, boring. Overall, high production value, low quality, 3/5.
- 缥缈孤鸿影:第一部还是两星,第二部一星都不想给,豆瓣的保护机制真好,不至于0分底裤都给揭了
- 就是爱追剧:过份冗长看得我昏昏沉沉。到底是赵导,看到最后的五指山我直呼好家伙。以及,安吉丽娜朱莉+马东锡是什么奇怪的肠辫啊。
- 墨奕怀:有趣宝藏节目 对中国文化的解读很新颖。创新的节目形式 喜欢黑色的这一期 真的看见了“五彩斑斓的黑”
- 木格子:作为华人导演的第一部漫威作品,情感上还是很支持的。全片表现也是很不错,希望接下来的续集可以有更好的表现。