- 清空播放记录
- 九条命: Bergman may have meant the tank rumbling down the empty night street in The Silence as a phallic symbol. But if he did, it was a foolish thought. (“Never trust the teller, trust the tale,” said Lawrence.) Taken as a brute object, as an immediate sensory equivalent for the mysterious abrupt armored happenings going on inside the hotel, that sequence with the tank is the most striking moment in the film. Those who reach for a Freudian interpretation of the tank are only expressing their lack of response to what is there on the screen.
- 山外山??:素材量惊人。好喜欢影片中的诗句和歌曲,法语真美。采访的衔接安排的好巧妙。喜欢最后的念白。“如果新闻和电影被…了,就说明处在…下。”
- 电磁炮:。姐姐口中拒斥内心却不无渴望(自慰);妹妹举止狂放却只是为了发泄姐姐带给她的郁结之气。大约,经由姐姐,伯格曼将真实想法封存进一种陌生的语言,期待着那个孩子——也即象征着未来的时代、未来的人们——有一天可以知晓;也经由那封信,在已有语言的维度内选择了沉默。参照费里尼的《朱丽叶与魔鬼》,伯格曼作为一位男性编剧对女性作出这样的剖析,我不知道女同胞们对此是否认同。
- 础苍驳别濒英?:五月尾声看了美好的五月
- 嘟嘟。希:别的导演需要用自杀去解释的东西,伯格曼用一个画面就表现了出来。