- 清空播放记录
- 草莓没酱:很好看啊,给Friends其他五位演员打电话那里真的是...Matt LeBlanc简直就是现实版的Bojack Horseman,四处乱搞,然后在电视机前落寞地看年轻的自己。演这样的剧对演员也是挺残忍的吧。
- 楚心明月: white too mighty!! Love best Gimli and Legolas!! I was wondering what was it like for the elves, the immortal to face death in war, a war for their passing times and old allegiance. It must be very different. After all, they could just sail away to the West?
- 孙菜鱼:其实我一直对电视剧制作的幕后故事很感兴趣,英美文化的碰撞很有笑点,而时不时弥漫着的老友记痕迹,却又让人伤感。最后一集太逗了,笑趴下啊哈哈哈
- 那子夜:甘道夫亡者归来。在第一部各种铺叙下,第二部终于把宏大的中土世界在观众面前华丽的展开。各种游戏中的兵种再现,各种恢弘壮阔的音乐洗耳……视听盛宴!视听盛宴啊!看完电影,我最大的想法:我一定要去新西兰!
- 海砂之心: are some heartbreaking moments in this season. But in the 9th episode, when Carol revealed that Matt had a thing with Jamie for her own benefits, I really really wanted to slap in her face even though I adore how she reads those lines and am fascinated by her accent.