- 清空播放记录
- 长草翱惭骋十多万: great idea but 小學雞 detective, and illogical plot. The murder is an unnecessary plot device, and how the murder was solved was not written well at all. E8 finally gets a bit more interesting. Actually developed quite an affection for Melanie. E10 was ok. Overall a lot of great ideas it wants to bring out but horrible screenplay and execution.
- 嘀嘀咕咕的猪:情节剧的终极形式,由诙谐的社会调侃渐渐过渡到纯粹的情绪张力。结尾近乎隐喻吧,代表旧伦理的坚守和代表新逻辑的先驱本质上都是孤独的,剩下的,是摇摆在两者之间的口是心非和唯利是图。摄影太棒,从室内调度的轻佻暧昧到田园乡村的空灵清新都独具匠心。
- 布鲁斯蔼晁:很难评价 一方面它的情绪和氛围确实感染到我 一般这种对我就4星了 但是总觉得过于简单 但又没有做到深入浅出(其实也不简单 时空方面有点实验的感觉)事后有兴趣补下导演访谈好了 去看看导演怎么说
- 特味小虎煲:死亡诗篇末日景,流弹如花灼人心;纳粹狂魔无尸骨,尤是春归梦里人。这是地狱,请自己去看。
- 岸浪:越看越烂,没有女主绝对全线垮掉,槽太多都无从吐起