- 清空播放记录
- 半调文人:悬念十足,作为如此经典名片儿的续集能做到没有狗尾续貂的赶脚,已经算不错的了。阴云密布之下神秘诡谲的老宅,诺曼高挑瘦削的身影站在一旁,那场景令人不寒而栗。结尾疑点重重,让你摸不着头脑究竟谁才是真正的凶手。
- 跑龙套家:在两部叽里咕中间做了这部类似于brainstorming的短片集,剪影+博物馆式PPT用来做注脚。用Film-making的框架来组织偏概念化的短片,聪明丰富了层次。六故事由低幼言教向渐进到最后寓言向。1.法式平权主义 2.科技万灵论 3.夜幕转场
- 褪色的蝴蝶结:续集,竟然续地不错。悬疑感比第一部还强!
- 兔居停:剧情丰富,情感之刻划有新意。比上一部精彩很多。德版蓝光。叁星半。
- 呱唧呱唧: of romance in both spiritual & carnal sides in a thrilling, dark & foreboding atmosphere. Impressive cinematography & time-colouring, making up for some memorable scenes. Unequal performances though (top-notch stuff by Oldman, blunt act by Keenu). 2020 edit, after reading the book: Masterpiece. Should have been titled Coppola's Dracula as the director, although adapting the original material, proceeds to a substantial transfiguration. The film is a constant dialogue between two great artists, making use of aesthetics and themes most pertinent to their time. The book serves as a revered foundation, on which the director builds upon layers of subtext, a new story & meanings