- 清空播放记录
丁香婷婷激情五月完结印度讲述的是:像他这种人?片刻之后!说完之后.杨平还 □□□□没有问,他就说出了自己所知道的一切.杀 □□□□了我也可以!求求你放过我吧.哀号道.他 □□□□匍匐在杨平的丁香婷婷激脚边?中年人在无边的痛苦中 □□□□臣服了?我情五已经说出我知道的一切!毁灭了 □□□□灵魂... □□月□□
- 搞不醒豁:感觉剧本内容编得挺不错的,parallel between physics and personality is well-drawn, the explore of Heisenberg's initiative is interesting in forms ( by re-introducing scenes) and inspiring ( but didn't remember much... maybe next time!) 三位的表演感觉也很自然,念白很好听?
- 酥西:为什么不能打负星 这几个女评委真恶心 尤其是章子怡 弃了
- 李秀霞:无论如何穷尽真理,个人的逻辑构建只是这世界暗涌的一瞬,一个粗浅的轮廓。多么简单的道理,沉醉于形而上慰藉的人却意识不到。"This play is about the difficulty of knowing why people do what they do. It's also about the difficulty of knowing why one does what one does oneself. And in the end it comes to the conclusion that in order to understand ourselves we have to talk to other people. We have to see our ideas reflected in other people. And that is what 'Copenhagen' is about."
- 我恨自己我想死:罢痴版982-985集,新兰官宣。罢痴版刚更新时因为新兰终于官宣在一起所以特意看过,没想到湾湾还专门拎出来院线上映,那就重新标记一下。#86分钟台配国语版
- 花生米啤酒:李扬的电影总是那么领人震撼的真实