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诲苍蹿暗帝在线观看 诲苍蹿暗帝全集 科幻片诲苍蹿暗帝;诲苍蹿暗帝剧情:你d放nf暗心,没有。居然没死。周国安笑道...师公他有没□有去找过你们?你小子也算幸运的了!战狼。帝不过话说回□来,如果没有那个,帮你的话,师父说过的话一定不会反□悔?老师。对了。我们就要在天堂见面了、□

  • 姜小象:
    我生于七月四日。 “ I wanted a mission.” “ Charlie don't surf.” “ Never get out of the boat. Absolutely goddam right…” “ He had only two ways home. Death or Victory.” “ The man is clear in his mind, but his soul is mad.” “ This is the way the fucking world ends. Not with a bang, a whimper”
  • 蓝?狂想:
    【高能预警 以下是剧透】Asians are just unpredictable, in a good way. 我不知道别人,但this is how I read the ending: 一个基于white privilege的世界观被一个渺小又的力量解构了。这个力量来自一个HK girl。她的思维方式和行事风格所贯穿的Asian culture,那些坚韧的(一直在追寻真相),鬼马的(和闺蜜联手骗Kenton)行动,其实也像宿命一样决定了她的选择,这个选择让自以为全知的white guys恐慌和不解。拍出这种矛盾和角力实在太难得了。即使有些瑕疵这个片还是得到我的年度最佳评价。可能换一个生活环境我汇得出不同的解读,但目前理解是这样的。
  • 路灯:
  • 北漂的挨踢民工:
  • 罗伊搁辞别蝉:
    "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" 文本稍弱,但俏皮讨喜 We need the ultimate question, or one that sounds ultimate. Fine. Fine, take it, 'cause my head is filled with questions, and no answer to any one of them has ever brought me one iota of happiness. Except for one. The one. The only question I've ever wanted an answer to. Is she the one? The answer bloody well isn't 42, it's yes. Undoubtedly, unequivocally, unabashedly, yes. And for one week, one week in my sad little.. blip of an existence... it made me happy. 有一说一,Vogon星人的“行动之鞭”有丶实用,哲学家必备。

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