- 清空播放记录
- 爱电影的栗栗子:剧情、拍摄手法、配乐、人物设定、节奏,剪辑,摄像颤抖的双手,让我不禁怀疑自己在看电视剧,还是那种拍到最后大家都没动了,最后就强行把集数凑上那种。 说真的,除了仅从反转方面来看待的最后的反转。
- 风煞若冰:当年法国记者将此事公布于世,后来又改编成电影,可是世人知道后并不关心,多年后的卡塔尔世界杯上依然有人为当地的女性地位而抗议发声。
- 胡都都: of 19th century social novels. Akahige tells the story of an upper-class doctor who goes through the life-changing experience of working in an overcrowded, low-budget clinic. He reluctantly comes in, self-centered and stubborn, but ends up abandoning his privileges to dedicate his life to curing the poor. It’s a movie with a strong progressive statement: the people’s health is first and foremost a social and political problem. Unfortunately, the message is hammered down with way more insistence and explicitness than needed, occasionally telling more than showing. On all other accounts, it splendidly delivers, from the subplots structure to the stellar photography & acting.
- 温某人:又是一部恨不得打六星的佳作。对中井叔的喜欢已经完全与颜或身材无关了。看着绪形拳精神奕奕的样子总觉得难过。不知道是不是大叔阿姨演得好过头,我觉得这里的婚外情也很美。每一条花语都是一生的见证,爷爷说他起完就忘了,可是岳都记得。最后,感谢仓本聪把生命的最后一课讲得如此温柔动人。
- 尧岭山人:黑泽明的“一板一眼”堪称教科书级别;年轻的医生终于卸下了他的佩刀;后面有被感动到。