- 清空播放记录
- 锈钝的西红柿:低于预期,但看着也挺唏嘘这个疯魔艹蛋又真实存在还得活在里面的世界。多半星因为是甜茶颜狗呀。
- 美丽心情: look back, look forward, thiss the hard reality. days has already long past when they are letting us in. #truth maybe im not your title girl anymore, if you cant be honest w me at least be honest w urself, do not try to deflect this on to me like im the one saying no first, i thought we can trust each other, my sentiments, rly. i cant describe, well dont worry ill be out of ur hair soon, this time i want to be proactive abt my well-being, called taking control. i dont want to be just active to ur reaction to me but also my own dealing w it, difficult times, big deal.
- 在和白敬亭举铁:难得这部动画没有走低俗的搞笑合家欢路线,唯一作为搞笑担当的箫笃也不像大护法里的太子那么尬,不过主线剧情太中二了,让故事的深刻讽刺打折了不少,但就完成度来说,比期望的好很多,算是低期望下的高质量作品吧
- 去罗马传教:等了好久终于开播了 风格依旧如此 看似波澜不惊 实则暗潮汹涌 近几年最爱看的一部谍战剧了 也不知道为什么一直这么冷门(?_?)
- 桃桃蹿补苍:把彗星想象成疫情,唉,其实现实比电影还令人失望。