- 清空播放记录
- 日暮落合:难得的历史片,风景美,故事精彩,差点错过。
- 寒冬的奇迹:可惜了,题材很不错,清节很生硬
- 一选二择:时间跨度很短,只讲了一部战争,不过内容很丰富,没有让观众觉得无聊。不过那时的大英帝国完全没法跟天朝相比啊,御驾亲征怎么说也得来个二十万大军吧
- 自导自演二号机:要想写作就先生活,要想塑造英雄人物就先塑造自己。柳青是一位值得尊敬的作家。电影拍得有点薄,像流水账。影片没充分表现出来柳青是怎么在皇铺村树立影响力的,也没有充分表现出来他是怎么为皇铺村做贡献的。马葳的表演比较欠火候,最起码化妆都不够敬业,五十多岁的时候还细皮嫩肉的,没有表演出来中老年人的厚重。帮柳青播放广播的路遥应该是写《平凡的世界》的路遥吧?
- 不丢:「This is not a limited edition. This was an origin story the whole time.」「I don't think we are particularly evil, and we don't choose sides. We try to stop both of you. If there is one of you, the opposite of you appears; it escalates, we step in. There just can't be Gods amongst us. It's not fair. It has worked just fine for ten thousand years our way. Take consolation in the fact that you were right about your theory. Be at peace.」「I wasn't a mistake, mama. → No. You were spectacular.」