- 清空播放记录
- 粉色墨汁:我很爱看年代剧,而且包容度极高,但这部的剧情狗血难看到完全忍不了!一个不会拒绝不会反抗的烂好人男主,三个围着男主就爱男主的女人,剧里随便结婚随便离婚人均二婚 和儿戏一样,看的生气槽点太多无法说…
- 智慧羊:感情发展太快,但是想想背景剧情量不算少,整体还算可以。
- 漫步边缘:好萌好Q 还有那些歌词好顺口好搞笑 后面跟着个老妖婆!哈哈?
- 尽西风: cheap and reactionary film. There is no"redemption" here, but"hope" (the hope of what?). What happens the next day, when parole officers catch up with Red? What happens to bringing the real culprit of Andy's wife behind the bar? Where is the PTSD of an"institutional man?" There is no deep critique of prison economy here, nor that of America's CJS (all we have is a few corrupt officials outsmarted by a banker who of course ran away w all the money and is praised for it, sounds familiar?). The completely implausible"figaro" sequence cheapens the real struggle for freedom. All of this is the stuff of cheap Hollywood.
- 小颂公子:。知道是二创以后我更加惊讶了,裡面的梗和恶搞太过饱满