- 清空播放记录
- 晴雪半消:影片究竟系赞颂还是讽刺?词词词风格似赞颂词词但内容却讽刺词词词不解词词词
- 山风止氪:坐电影院给我看无言了
- 浮云殿下:看金球奖才想起这部电影以前看过!结局蛮意外的词
- 以太:位如果早10年前合作我会?依旧期待 .看过ep2过后,女主和黑人那条线也太无聊了,可以多一点和文森特的对手戏吗,pleas
- 珍珠饴?: in 40's America of the age-old confrontation between Light & Darkness, Truth and Lie, Good and Evil. The dreamy & pure-hearted, after pouring her soul in a sweet illusion, awakes from her whimsical fantasy after a first Shadow is casted. The mask of deceit, hiding the ugliness of a whole person within, gets pulled off by the white hands of the maiden. The revelation of the true identity cannot be made public, as the ties of the imposter may tarnish the reputation of the family. The villain, after repeated attempts to get rid off our hero, fails and falls into an abyss from which he cannot do any more harm. The true story remains a secret, unknown to all but the main protagonists